1/4/2015(Wed) - 由香港上機飛往西雅圖,到達西雅圖,逗留半天,遊覽Pike Place Market, Space Needle, EMP Museum, Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation, Dinner at Seattle Airport,晚上11時再轉機到紐約
2/4/2015(Thu) - 早上七時到達紐約甘迺迪機場,坐airtrain同subway前往酒店Holiday
Inn放行李,出發到Top of the Deck (Rockefeller), St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Lego Store, MoMA
(Museum of Modern Art), Macy’s
3/4/2015(Fri) - State of Liberty, Ellis
Island, Wall Street, 9/11 Memorial Museum, Century 21, Brooklyn Bridge, Dinner
at Holiday Inn
4/4/2015(Sat) – Tiny’s Giant Sandwich Shop,
Food on Foot tour, Central Park, Natural History Museum, Empire State Building
5/4/2015(Sun) - Katz's Delicatessen, Easter
Parade, Radio City Music Hall Inside tour, Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum,
Times Square
6/4/2015(Mon) – Clinton Street Baking Co
& Restaurant食超好味的pancake & salmon egg benedict, Institute of Culinary Education, (Oppa: Central Library,
Grand Central Terminal, M&Ms), High line, Chelsea Market
7/4/2015(Tue) – 轉酒店,由Holiday Inn - Lower East Side 轉 Hilton New York Fashion District, Institute of Culinary
Education, (Oppa: China Town, Little Italy, Greenwich Village), Boradway Tour,
Les Miserable at Imperial Theatre
8/4/2015(Wed) – Institute of Culinary
Education, (Oppa: Columbia University), Metropolitan Museum of Art, Lincoln
Centre, Century 21, Dinner at Hilton New York Fashion District
9/4/2015(Thu) – Institute of Culinary
Education, (Oppa: Yankee’s Stadium tour), United Nations, Grand Central
Terminal, Century 21
10/4/2015(Fri) – Institute of Culinary
Education, (Oppa: Car show), Madison Square Garden NBA – Knicks vs Bucks
11/4/2015(Sat) – Woodbury Outlet
12/4/2015(Sun) – Fly back to HK
13/4/2015(Mon) – Arrive HK